Yellow academic gears

The Vocal Instrument 101 Follow Up Teacher Training & Practicum

Voice Ped for Real Life

The Vocal Instrument 101 Follow Up Teacher Training Practicum creator, Dr. Shannon Coates, wearing teal-framed glasses, a grey shirt with wing arms, and black pants, strikes a jaunty pose with her right hand on her hip. She smiles openly at the camera.

You’re so hella busy being a kickass teacher that you don’t have time to read that dusty old voice ped textbook AGAIN. (And honestly: Do you even want to? Because that is some dense reading right there, friend.)


The Vocal Instrument 101 Follow Up Teacher Training Practicum is, well, kind of exactly what it sounds like in its title.

But here are the details JUST IN CASE that isn’t enough info for you to make an informed decision:

  • Three-week group class for voice teachers who have done The Vocal Instrument 101 course (online or live)
  • Small cohort
  • Weekly live trainings over FaceBook
  • Weekly group discussions over Zoom
  • 24/7 ongoing discussion, interaction, feedback, and application over Marco Polo
  • Certificate of Completion
  • $500



Monday morning (Eastern/Toronto Time):

I go LIVE (on FB) to offer immediately applicable tools that you can use during the week in your studio. I talk about how we learn and how we teach, and how to change our teaching so we are fostering optimum learning in our students. Teachers are welcome to attend synchronously or asynchronously as every live training and the comments on each live training are recorded and available to peruse any time during the practicum.

Thursday evening or Friday (Eastern/Toronto Time):

We have a GROUP SESSION where we all get in one (zoom) room and have a Q&A + teaching masterclass mashup in which:

  • Teachers may invite their students to be taught by me live
  • Teachers may teach one of their students live
  • Teachers may upload a video of them teaching one of their students
  • Teachers may choose to work with me on their own voice.

Group sessions are recorded and may be watched at any time BUT the magic of the group discussion really happens if everyone attends live. I work with the entire cohort of teachers to come up with a time for the group session that EVERYONE can attend live. (And I’ve done this successfully across SEVEN TIME ZONES so I’m feeling VERY confident that I can continue to schedule these successfully in future.)


Video engagement carries on TWENTY-FOUR SEVEN because we use platforms (see below) that allow us to work super-successfully while being completely asynchronous. IT’S MAGIC. #PINKYSWEAR


Not gonna’ lie: these practicums are INTENSE. You will want to set aside at least four hours per week to watch live trainings, to participate in the group discussions, and to engage in the video chats. Participants find that the more they are able to put in, the more they get out but that even if they’re only able to commit to that four hours per week? They get a TONNE of return on their investment.

Because: participants are able to go back and review live trainings, comments, resources, group discussions, and videos for as long as they like.

Yep: this is the gift that keeps on giving.

TL;DR: minimum four hours of commitment per week, 90 minutes of which is synchronous/live.


We use three platforms (I know, I know – someday I’m going to mosey on over to a platform that can do it all AND that works for the folks who aren’t on FaceBook but for now … we’re stuck kind of piecemealing it, if you know what I mean):


1. FaceBook:

In the welcome email, participants are invited to a private FaceBook group that ONLY participants can access.

Things that happen on FaceBook:

Weekly live trainings (and the comments that accompany them), resource threads, announcements with all the links and event times, video recordings of group discussions, weekly prompts or things to consider, and event reminders RE Q&A and group sessions.

The FaceBook group is archived about a week after the practicum ends so participants will have access to everything in the group forever (or, you know, as long as FaceBook is around) but will no longer be able to post or comment.

2. Zoom:

Group sessions occur in my private ‘Zoom room’ and the link to it is available through announcements in the FaceBook Group.

Recordings of group discussions are posted to FaceBook for review.

3. Marco Polo:

Marco Polo is a free video-sharing app that can be used on a mobile phone or tablet to upload videos OR to create spur-of-the moment videos.

In the welcome email, participants receive the link to the app and instructions on how to join the private group video-chat that only participants can access.

Participants love this part of the practicum because it allows everyone to interact at their own pace and as much or as little as they like, while getting support and encouragement from everyone else in the group.

Participants are encouraged to post videos asking questions about teaching / voice pedagogy or applying tools in their studio, about how application is going in their studio or successes in the studio, or anything else they want to discuss or get feedback about.

Participants are also welcome to post videos of some of their teaching for feedback.

Participants are all encouraged to respond and engage with other participants through the video sharing app, and I am there to moderate and guide the discussion, answer questions and provide feedback.

It’s PURE MAGIC and most participants will tell you that this is their FAVOURITE part of the practicums. (Also? The OG Marco Polo group I started in June 2020 with seven voice teachers, is STILL GOING. #notevenjoking)

  • My confidence is soaring because of the knowledge I have and the results I am seeing.

  • I loved learning the science behind the things we already do!

    Jessica Khakov, Voice Teacher (Orlando, USA)

  • Your excitement about teaching is contagious!

    Kaela Bosch, Voice Teacher (Waterloo, Canada)

  • Her simple and straightforward way of explaining the anatomy has made it so much easier for me to explain principles to my students.

    Erin Guinup, Artistic & Executive Director at Tacoma Refugee Choir (Tacoma, USA)

  • You helped me actually understand formants!

    Nancy Anne Davis, Voice Teacher (Saukville, USA)

  • She can take her vast wealth of knowledge, experience, and research, and compile it into practical, immediately relatable, easy to understand concepts in vocal pedagogy.

    Rebecca Gulbranson, Voice & Piano Teacher, Founder at Dolce Melodies Studio (Herriman, USA)

  • Dr. Coates was such a dynamic presenter with lots of helpful information for our participants.

    Jennifer Tung, Artistic Director at Mississauga Children's Choir (Mississauga, Canada)

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