academic gears


Ohhhhh … the places you’ll go.

All while not putting your business on hold.
And not going into massive debt.
And not uprooting your entire life to attend a degree-granting institution.

Yes. It’s possible. It’s ALL possible.


Several randomly-placed, brass-coloured cogs lay on a dark grey, patterned surface.
Shannon Coates Train with Me - pinky swear
  • You want to serve your students even better than you already do.
  • You want to improve your diagnostic skills.
  • You want deep learning in the voice studio.
  • You want to create inclusive communities.
  • And, you want to teach your ever-loving face off.

In short: You want to revolutionize your voice ped badassery.
And you really want to do it without upending your entire life (including the voice studio you’ve already worked so hard to establish).

shannon S Logo circle beige 150

So what’s next?

The first step on your personal #voicepedrev(olution) is to check out The Vocal Instrument 101, a course you can do online from the privacy of your own home OR LIVE with me … and also from the privacy of your own home.

And once you’ve done that, you’re so totally invited to join me for a three-week follow-up teacher training practicum that you can do – YOU GUESSED IT – from the privacy of your own home.

(pssst: send me a note if you’re interested in doing this teacher training with me but you haven’t done The Vocal Instrument 101 yet; there are lots of other training courses out there that are equivalent to The Vocal Instrument 101 and if you’re looking for a place to APPLY ALL THE THINGS? This just might be the right place for you. #getintouch, willya?)

Aaaand … keep your eyes super-peeled for allll of this training to get formalized (or, as formalized as I get, anyway) into The VoicePed UnDegree in 2022.

(Oh! And, while you’re at it, follow me on the socials and be sure you’re signed up for the #voicepedrev(olution) mailing list so you can get ALL the information about POPUP Voice Ped Classes and trainings as they come up (and they are coming up, friend, THEY ARE COMING UP), as well as 10% savings on said classes.

Let that #voicepedrev(olution) begin.

PS check out What I Talk About if you’d like information about, well, what I talk about and how to book me to do a masterclass (the kind of masterclass where you, the teacher, gets as much learnin’ done as the singers) or lecture for your voice ped class, choir, or professional association.

Folks who work with me say the DARNDEST things!

  • You've brought me full circle in my teaching, Shannon! I spent years teaching voice based solely on imagery (which was the way that voice was taught to me) and then I retired from classroom teaching and had the time to take some voice pedagogy courses.

    Suddenly, I felt like I had missed out on the past twenty years of research and was intimidated by all the voice teachers using what seemed like purely technical terminology to teach voice.

    Then I listen to you, and I see that, although you know all the anatomy and physiology and can teach it, you still stress the need to communicate to our students about feeling and imagery rather than getting too "sciencey". So, I take inspiration from that and am learning to combine the imagery with the technical terminology to facilitate the deeper learning of my students.

    Thank you for all that you do!

    Elspeth Maynard: Voice Teacher & (Retired) Classroom Educator (Windsor, Canada)

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