academic gears


Adolescent & Expanding Voice

Ya’ know what?

The prevailing -ahem- wisdom used to be that people should wait until after puberty to take voice lessons. And that, until puberty, they should take piano lessons and join a choir. And, that people might injure themselves if they DID take voice lessons before or during puberty.

In fact?

I’ve even read about voice teachers who said that people should wait until they were SIXTEEN YEARS OLD to take voice lessons.

Which: whaaaat? If we independent voice teachers only worked with people who were sixteen or older? Some of us would drop our studio population by 75%. #amiright?

So, if you’ve got a studio full of people who are under sixteen years old (or you wanna’ have one), this is a class where you can get the anatomy & physiology info you need to understand exactly what’s going on in those pubertal bodies so you can work with them even more efficiently than you already do. And with no fear of injury.

NOTE: this class will NOT help you to understand the adolescent mind. In no way can I help with that. In fact, if you figure that out? Maybe write a book about it or something. I would buy that book in a heartbeat. #justsayin


  • 90 minute class
  • $97 CAD
  • Wed, 8th December
  • 10AM et
  • Delivered over zoom

Can’t make the live class? No worries! The class recording is available for 21 days to everyone who registers in advance.

When you register, you’ll get an email with all the deets re signing in to the class. AND you’ll get a few reminder emails as well. Because who doesn’t function better with a few reminders? #amiright?


Here’s what some of the #reallifevoiceteachers who have participated in past POPUP Voice Ped Classes have to say about them:

  • You want to revolutionize your teaching and up your game in teaching voice to amazing new levels of professionalism and understanding? Then look no further than the fantabulous Shannon Coates!! She continues to amaze me at how she can take her vast wealth of knowledge, experience, and research, and compile it into practical, immediately relatable, easy to understand concepts in vocal pedagogy. She extends compassion and care to those she mentors or teaches. Her passion for vocal pedagogy is contagious. I love her enthusiasm and fun personality, she makes vocal pedagogy exciting and sooo much fun! . I just recently finished her child voice pedagogy course and loved the structure and flow of the course. Every single time I do a course with Shannon or learn anything from her, I love how I can immediately put to work what I have been taught. I quickly see exciting results in my growth as a teacher, and in the growth and capabilities of my singing students. I plan to continue to invest in vocal pedagogy courses from Shannon, she truly is amazing! You are missing out if you have not taken a course from her yet.

    Rebecca Gulbranson, Voice & Piano Teacher, Founder at Dolce Melodies Studio (Herriman, USA)

  • Lots of great take-always and practical suggestions!

    Cynthia Vaughn, Voice Educator (Richland, USA)

  • What a great way to start the day! 🌞 An information packed 90-min pop-up vocal pedagogy presentation with Dr. Shannon Coates on teaching the ADOLESCENT AND EMERGING VOICE. Lots of great take-always and practical suggestions for working with singers age 9-13 and older teens.

    Cynthia Vaughn, Voice Educator (Richland, USA)

  • She can take her vast wealth of knowledge, experience, and research, and compile it into practical, immediately relatable, easy to understand concepts in vocal pedagogy.

    Rebecca Gulbranson, Voice & Piano Teacher, Founder at Dolce Melodies Studio (Herriman, USA)

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