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Evolving Voice

Live Lecture Series

voiceped for real life

2024’s Evolving Voice Live Lecture Series is complete

BUT … the recordings are available in The VoicePed 101 Library

Scroll down for more information about The VoicePed 101 Library Subscriptions AND The Evolving Voice Live Lecture Series


choose the subscription that works best for you:

monthly (for the Binge n’ Bolt Learner)
yearly (for the Steady-Study Learner)

instant access to all classes currently in the Library

including the Evolving Voice Lecture Series Recordings!


VoicePed courses & texts tend to be developed by folks who work with experienced singers, and delivered through the lens of training matured voices.

Which: means they aren’t as relevant to those of us who don’t.

Evolving* Voice has entered the chat.

The Vocal Instrument 101 LIVE creator, Dr. Shannon Coates, wearing teal-framed glasses, a grey shirt with wing arms, and black pants, strikes a jaunty pose with her arms crossed in front of her body. She smiles widely at the camera.

Now you can maximize your time & resources without:

sifting through voiceped texts

that prioritize technical information and/or theoretical knowledge over practical application

translating teaching methodologies

that were developed for adult learners in an effort to make them applicable for developing learners

finding out the hard way

that your anatomy & physiology knowledge doesn’t hold when working with immature or changing voices

effing around & finding out (aka: experimenting)

on the young, developing, and ageing singers who happen to come your way

Here’s What’s In The Evolving Voice Live Lecture Series:


Delivered LIVE on 14 Aug 2024

Child Voice 101


First up, we dive into the anatomy & physiology of the child voice – think immature vocal folds, developing breathing system, and growing resonators. We’ll unpack how these elements evolve from infancy to late childhood, and how that growth impacts young singers’ ability to pick up those sweet singing skills.

Then? We get super practical with real-life applications and expectations for working with little ones (hello, #voicepedforreallife). We’re talking lesson pacing, keeping kiddos engaged, fostering their independence, teaching them to belt, and – of course – picking the -ahem- right songs.

90-min Live Lecture

Delivered LIVE on 21 Aug 2024

Adolescent Voice 101


Picking up where Child Voice 101 left off, we dive into how breathing, phonation, resonance, and registration are affected by puberty—whether it’s estrogen-led or testosterone-led.

Then? We get real about working with adolescent singers (#voicepedforreallife)! Boosting motivation, fostering independence, understanding those teenage minds**, and figuring out if what we’re hearing is puberty or pathology—and what to do about it.

120-min Live Lecture

Delivered LIVE on 28 Aug 2024

Ageing Voice 101


Decidedly NOT picking up where Adolescent Voice 101 left off—this time, we’re diving deeeep into **how aging impacts our singing coordination**. From the universal effects of the ageing process to the unique impacts of (a comparatively-sudden and INCREDIBLY DISRUPTIVE***) **estrogen & progesterone-loss** or of (a comparatively-gradual and BASICALLY UNNOTICEABLE) **testosterone-loss**, we’re covering it all.

And then? It’s all about those real-life skills (paging: #voicepedforreallife) for working with ageing singers, from recognizing and combatting ageism in our teaching, to fostering student independence, to building strong teacher-student relationships, to knowing when to refer out for specialized support.

90-min Live Lecture

Here’s why voice pros love the Evolving Voice Lecture Series:


I know. And? You’re in luck because even though the Evolving Voice Lecture Series won’t be available LIVE any time soon, you can instantly access all three Live Lecture Recordings (PLUS a whole bunch of other Live Lecture Recordings) by subscribing to The VoicePed 101 Library.

* Which: I stole ‘evolving’ from The Evolving Singing Voice: Changes Across the Lifespan by Karen Brunssen. #creditwherecreditisdue


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