academic gears

The VoicePed 101 Library

voiceped for real life


An ALL NEW way to maximize your pedagogy anytime, anywhere.


Voice pros should have reliable, up-to-date, affordable continuing education that is accessible anytime, anywhere.

The VoicePed 101 Library has entered the chat.

The Vocal Instrument 101 LIVE creator, Dr. Shannon Coates, wearing teal-framed glasses, a grey shirt with wing arms, and black pants, strikes a jaunty pose with her arms crossed in front of her body. She smiles widely at the camera.

Now you don’t have to get your continuing education by:

staying up until BRUTAL O’CLOCK in the morning or spending your Sunday afternoon or rescheduling students during prime teaching time to attend a live class.

paying a premium – both in up front costs and in time off teaching – to attend conferences or do summer intensives or participate in online courses.

cobbling together your professional development by asking questions in the voice teacher groups on a certain social media platform that shall not be named.

amassing a library of unread pedagogy books, articles, and blog posts.

Here’s why you might wanna join:

Continuing Education so You Stay Ahead of the Curve:

Wondering about the latest voiceped trends (like: how to apply motor learning in the voice studio, or what neurodiversity-affirming voice pedagogy is), or classroom educational models (like: universal design for learning, or differentiated learning), or voice research (like: phonation or registration models)? No worries: I have (or will have) a class for that.

Foundational Education so You Catch Up to the Curve:

Feeling like you’re missing a few anatomy and physiology fundamentals (that undergrad voiceped class was a long time ago, #amiright?)? No worries: I’ve been teaching undergraduate voice pedagogy for over a decade now and I have alllll the classes for that.

Wide Range of Subjects so You Make Your Own Curve:

From Child Voice 101 to Diagnostics 101 to Neurodiversity-Affirming VoicePed 101 to Adolescent Voice 101 to Student-Led Learning 101 to Vocal Health & Hygiene 101 to Contemporary Voice 101 … well, you get it, right? I’ve got you covered. AND? I’m adding 10 to 15 hours of new classes every year.

Engaging Classes so You Stick with That Curve:

All classes include:

  • live lecture recording (obvs)
  • downloadable class outline + references & resources
  • pre-lecture ‘brain primer’ quiz
  • post-lecture knowledge consolidation quiz
  • certificate of completion (upon successful completion of post-lecture quiz)

Convenience & Flexibility so You Can Create That Curve* Any Time, Anywhere:

Got a few minutes between lessons? What about a longer-than-usual lunch break? Came across something you aren’t sure about when working with a young belter? Need a few ideas for how to support an autistic singer in your studio? Yep. It’s all there. And so are the references and resources so you can dive a little deeper. Or not. You decide and I’m not judging.

Access & Affordability so You Can Afford To Maintain The Curve**:

  • Choose to pay monthly and cancel when you’ve had your fill. Sign up again when a new class lecture drops. It’s that easy.
  • Think you might just want to stay for a year and skip the hassle of monthly payments? Save some money by buying a year-long subscription. It’s a different kind of easy. But still easy.



Are you a Binge n’ Bolt Learner who wants to get in, watch everything that’s interesting to you on 2x, and get back out? Pay monthly.

Are you more of a Steady-Study Learner who wants the freedom to explore over time? Sign up for a yearly subscription (and save yourself some $$ while you’re at it).

Sign In & Start Learnin’

Once you’re registered, dive into The VoicePed 101 Library—signing in is a breeze, and we’ll guide you through it!

Scroll through all the live lecture recordings and start with the one that excites you the most. (There are no wrong answers!)

Take Pre-Lecture Learning-Prep Quiz

Start your learning adventure with the pre-lecture learning-prep quiz for a fun and interactive way to get your brain buzzing and ready to dive into the lecture topic.

Download Lecture Workbook

Every live lecture comes with a downloadable Lecture Workbook packed with goodies! Inside, you’ll find a handy-dandy Lecture Outline, a treasure trove of References (all the cool stuff mentioned in the lecture), and a bunch of Resources for diving even deeper into your studies (you know, if you wanna).

Watch Live Lecture Recording

Hit play on that live lecture recording and set it up just the way you like!

Want closed captioning? Turn it on.
Prefer double speed or half speed? Go for it. Pause, rewind, or fast forward? Absolutely.

Plus, we’ve added nifty chapters that match the Lecture Outline, so you can hop around and dive into the sections that catch your interest first.

Enjoy the flexibility and make your learning experience uniquely yours!

Do Post-Lecture Learning Consolidation Quiz

Wrap up your learning journey with a snazzy quiz—it’s like a brain teaser, but with that "cool! I’m glad I know that now" vibe instead of the "wow! I wish I was smarter" feeling. And guess what? You’re totally going to ace it. #pinkyswear.

Once you conquer the quiz, you’ll snag your very own Certificate of Completion. AKA: your badge of honour for rocking all that learning like a pro!

What’s In The VoicePed Library 101?

How we Learn 101 -The VoicePed 101 Library course

How We Learn 101

Get the 101 on cognition and learning, and how to apply that information in the voice studio for even more effective pedagogy.

135 minutes

Diagnostics 101 -The VoicePed 101 Library course

Diagnostics 101

Because being an effective voice teacher is not contingent on diagnostic skills.

100 minutes

Neurodiversity in th eVoice Studio - The VoicePed 101 Library course

Neurodiversity in the Voice Studio

Introduction to the Language of Neurodiversity + understanding executive function and sensory processing in the voice studio.

110 minutes

Neurodiversity Primer -The VoicePed 101 Library course2

Neurodiversity Primer

Introduction to the Language of Neurodiversity + understanding the ADHD neurotype and the autism neurotype in the voice studio.

100 minutes

Building Inclusive Voice Studios - The VoicePed 101 Library course

Building Inclusive Voice Studios

Practical and immediately applicable tips for moving from accommodation to affirmation in voice spaces.

110 minutes

Child Voice 101

Child Voice 101

Coming 1st August

100 minutes

Adolescent Voice 101

Adolescent Voice 101

Coming 1st August

120 minutes

Ageing Voice 101

Ageing Voice 101

Coming 1st August

100 minutes

Monthly Subscription

(for the Binge n’ Bolt Learner)

devour live lectures at 2x & leave when you’re full

monthly renewal

cancel & re-join any time

Yearly Subscription

(for the Steady-Study Learner)

take your sweeeet time learning at your pace & never miss a live lecture release

sign up for yearly & save $$

easy as pie (and nearly as delicious)

Lifetime Subscription***

(for the Lifelong Learner)

offer ends 1st September

invest in unrestricted access to the ever-expanding library

lock in your access at this discounted rate

* This curve metaphor is getting a little tired but I am NOTHING IF NOT DETERMINED so … let’s see how far I can take it, shall we?

** I know. #canadiansawrry

*** And by “lifelong,” my lawyer wants me to tell you that I mean, “for the life of the library.” Because … reasons.


shannon adjusting glasses 500
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