#FriFiveFavs – Five quick reads that will change the way you give feedback in the voice studio

Five quick reads the will change the way you give feedback in the voice studio.

One of the things we’re talking about (and practicing) a LOT in The VPUD are better ways to give feedback to the singers we work with. Ways that model formative assessment methods and support their agency. So I thought that, for this week’s FriFavFive, I’d offer a few quick reads that I hope will give you some ideas of why and how to change the way you give feedback in the voice studio.

What are some of your takeaways? What do you think you’ll change in the way you give feedback? What would you like clarification about? What questions do you have?

Alfie Kohn’s blog post/article, “Five Reasons to Stop Saying, ‘Good Job'” (AKA how to undercut student agency in one, easy step)

2. Noa Kageyama (aka The BulletProof Musician)’s blog post, “How Being Too Quick to Offer Feedback Can Degrade Learning” (This one supports the 5-Second Rule that I encourage voice teachers to employ whenever possible.)

3. Grant Wiggins’s article, “Seven Keys to Effective Feedback” (H/T to The VPUD participant, Natalie Huggins for this one).

4. Carol Dweck’s thoughts on giving feedback through a growth-mindset lens in “Carol Dweck revisits ‘growth mindset'”.

5. Jennifer Gonzalez (from The Cult of Pedagogy)’s recap of her interview with Joe Hirsch, “Moving From Feedback to Feedforward” (I SUPER love a clever reframing, don’t you?)


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