#FriFavFive – Five of the Worst Best Singers of All Time

If you know me at all, you know that I’m using the word “worst” here with my tongue FIRMLY IN CHEEK. And you might also know that ALL of these incredible singers are in regular rotation on my playlist.

My point is just this:

The world needs to hear what you have to say.

And if you choose to speak to the world using your singing voice, I hope you never find yourself working with a coach or teacher who tells you what is WRONG with your voice or who communicates that there is something in your singing that needs to be FIXED.

If you want them, I hope you find the coaches and teachers who support your WHY and who offer options and who choose strengths-based, student-led pedagogy.

May you never sing “in spite of” your deficits. May you always sing because of your strengths.

(and may we voice teachers and coaches never be the cause of someone who has too many compensatory movements or who has no connection to their ‘chest voice’ or who has a boring voice or who is overly-constricted or who has low pitch acuity not offering their voice to the world)

Cecilia Bartoli – She breaks ALL the extraneous gestures + jaw tension rules (the ones that especially apply to Western-Classical singers).

Michael Jackson – Have you ever heard a whispery-er, more disembodied sound?

Madonna – Take a close listen; her voice is average at best (and it tends to nasality)…

Bob Dylan – Speaking of nasality blink blink … and every ‘R’ and ‘EE’ he sings is constricted.

Gord Downie – maaaybeeee 50% of the pitches that come out of that man’s mouth are actually in tune.


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