friday fav five – 18|09|16

Fri Fav Five - tools so you can teach your face off

Written By Shannon Coates

On 16th September 2018

the end-of-the-weekend edition

Yeah yeah … I haven’t done a #frifavfive in, like, a month. I KNOW. And I feel terrible about that. Because: HOW YOU MUST BE SUFFERING RIGHT NOW.


Okay, then. Here we go:

1. favourite boring-yet-necessary document: NATS’s Code of Ethics

Look. This stuff is, yes, a little boring. And at the same time? SO necessary. Voice teachers do not have a universally recognized certifying body, so NATS is a pretty good thing for the industry. And this is a pretty danged helpful little document. Is it enforceable? Nope. (Well, at least not in a useful way.) Are people gonna’ have some things to say about it? Sure. Is this still a necessary document? HECK YEAH. Because when people in your completely unregulated industry care enough to take the time to consult lawyers and think through ramifications and brainstorm a document that can help to bring that industry forward and make it better? You get on board with that thing. YEP. YOU DO.

you lost me at “code” … so borrrring.

2. favourite podcast episode: “Leave a Message” from Invisibilia by NPR

This episode is SHORT (like, 11 minutes) and SWEET. And it doesn’t have anything to do with singing or teaching singing. BUT it does have some very interesting insights into the human voice. So go on and listen to it already. And call your mom.

i don’t own a phone, human. YOU CALL YOUR MOTHER.


3. favourite way to spend a TINY bit of money to make a HUGE impact: support VoiceScienceWorks

Okay. Yeah. We’re all a little up to here with the paying of the monthly things. I KNOW. But if you want to support two very awesome people making some VERY VERY awesome voice resources (I mean, LOOK at this summary of harmonics and formants already. IT’S AMAZE-BALLS.)? You can do that with just a leeetle bit of cashmoney. Like, THREE DOLLARS worth per month**. That’s not even ONE fancy coffee. … and now I’m starting to sound like a public television fundraiser. #WHATISHAPPENINGRIGHTNOW?

what is WRONG with you right now? just stop that.


4. favourite TED-Ed video: How to practice effectively … for just about anything***.

Are there scary stats in this TED-Ed video that will make you feel guilty for owning a phone? yes. Will you learn something you didn’t know before? probably.

“probably” isn’t good enough. i’m not clicking on that link.

5. favourite article: Find the Perfect Voice Teacher by Celesta Kirk for Washington Parent

I literally just emailed a parent some recommendations for teachers in her area and included this article in the email. Because? FULL OF WISDOM. And? NOW I DON’T HAVE TO WRITE IT. (THANK YOU CELESTA FOR DOING THIS THING AND MAKING ALL OF OUR JOBS EASIER.)

blue eyed cat with white whiskers

yes. thank you.


So there you have it folks. A whole bunch of random stuff that might make you think. And also spend a little bit of money. But only a little bit. (Or a lot. FEEL FREE TO SPEND A LOT.)

Until we speak again,

You go on and teach your face off,





*huh. that’s a six-syllable word right there. i had no idea.

** 3USD. so, like, 7,000CAD. but I my calculations may be slightly off.

***I’d love to give a shout-out to the person who first shared this with me but, honestly? that was about four hundred shares ago and now I can’t remember who the first person was. so … SHOUT-OUT to all the folks who did that.

ps The first module of my online course has dropped (only seven more to go!) and one lovely early-adopter writes:  “she is SO much more fun than my science professor in my “Structural Sound and Acoustical Analysis” was”. Which, probably not what I want on my tombstone but, you know, I’ll take it when it’s about my course! OH! And I extended the pre-sale price to 1st October. Yes. YES I DID.

pps If you haven’t already, feel free to check out my Tuesday-ish and Ten-ish Terrific Teaching Tips and Tricks over on FB. Because: good times.


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