friday fav five – 18|10|19

Fri Fav Five - tools so you can teach your face off

~ the once per month edition (aka: the disdainful black cat edition) ~

(Because: SCHOOL IS IN SESSION, Y’ALL. And I am WERKIN’ it.)

Soooo … here are some #voiceped favs from the last MONTH.

1. favourite #wordtothewise FB Live: recording studio vs live stage & managing those expectations, by Rebekah Piatt at A Noteworthy Music Studio

Some FANTASTIC advice for your students who are working in CCM genres. Plus? #PENNYTHEDOG!

did you say dog? because that’s just rude.


2. favourite two-fer: How Anxiety Leads to Disruptive Behavior by Caroline Miller at the Child Mind Institute* + A Perfect Little Explanatory Pictogram from Integrated Listening Systems 

My friends, “bad behaviour” is rarely actually BAD BEHAVIOUR.  #isallImsayin

i am not hiding because i am bad. i am hiding because i do not have the tools or resources to face what’s happening right now.


3. favourite YouTube funness: Phonetic transcriptions of annoying sounds teenagers make by my new favourite linguistics-guy, James Harbeck**

I mean, is it a little stereotypical? Sure. IS IT ALSO KIND OF NERDY-HILARIOUS? Also sure. (For extra nerdy-goodness, try figuring out what the sound is from the description, BEFORE he makes it. Go on and challenge yourself. heh heh)

where are the phonetic transcriptions of all of the incredible sounds that cats make? HMMMM? WHERE IS THAT HUMAN? #catdiscrimonator


4. favourite blog post: The Ultimate Guide to Making Smart Decisions from Farnam Street***

Ugh. Productivity and stuff. Read it and weep. Or make a few small decisions now that will free you up to make better big ones later. For example, because I see different people every day of the week? I often wear the same outfit five days in a row (that’s why essential oils were invented, #amiright?). AND WHY THE HECK NOT? Men have done this for … ummm … WELL HOWEVER LONG THE SUIT HAS BEEN AROUND. Same suit every day, different shirt and socks. Seriously.

i wear my fabulous fur every gosh-darned day of my life. and i LICK IT CLEAN WITH MY OWN TONGUE FOUR OR FIVE MILLION TIMES PER DAY. #getwithithumans


5. favourite brand new YouTube channel: Why I Love This Vocal with John Henny

Folks? THIS IS SO MUCH FUN. AND SUPER INFORMATIVE. If you teach CCM styles? It BEHOOVES you to get subscribed. #pinkyswear

“behooves”? really?

As per uzh: you can teach your face off … #pinkyswear







****apparently, I’m only taking contributions from women this month. #thatscool #whatevs

ps The first FOUR module of my online course have dropped (only four more to go – two more coming this weekend!) and one lovely early-adopter writes:  “she is SO much more fun than my science professor in my “Structural Sound and Acoustical Analysis” was”. Which, probably not what I want on my tombstone but, you know, I’ll take it when it’s about my course! Pre-Sale price extended to 1st November (or until all modules are dropped … whichever comes FIRST).


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